Women Grow Mendocino Chapter Proudly Presents
Mendocino Spring Cuisine
Farm-to-Table Dinner Reception
featuring local organic farmers
Enjoy amazing taste sensations made with all locally raised ingredients!
Delicious Gluten-free, Vegan and Raw-Food Delights too!
Local roasted coffee & tea will be available for your enjoyment.
Reception is included in the Mendocino Cannabis Resource Conference Ticket.
Introducing Crystal Rae

Crystal Rae is the chair of the Mendocino Women Grow Chapter and is organizing the Spring Cuisine Farm-to-Table Reception!
Crystal Rae has always enjoyed participating in her community.
As soon as she was out on her own at 18, she began volunteering with a Community-based, Food Gleaning Project as well as The People Pet Partnership Program where she took her golden retriever weekly to visit the elderly. She worked with watershed restoration and raising salmon in the classroom and later worked in local schools with the FIT Teen Program and Community Nutrition Education.
She moved to Mendocino County in 2000 and started an alternative health coach practice out in Covelo as a Certified Massage Therapist and Clinical Herbalist. She continued to follow her passion for plants, herbal medicine and topical medicine making. She studied medical aromatherapy, honing her art of making products for her client base and steam-distilling medicinal herbs including cannabis and eventually winning 1st & 2nd Place in the 2014 Emerald Cup – Topicals Division. Currently, she is developing and branding a line of topical products infused with essential oil of cannabis, CannaSpirit Topicals.
In May 2014, she was inspired to to help local female cannabis entrepreneurs connect. She founded the Mendocino Chapter of the quickly growing national group, Women Grow. Crystal Rae’s intention is to give local women an opportunity to empower & support each other in this big, rural, isolated county.
Women Grow meets the First Thursday of every month in over 44 cities simultaneously. Everyone is welcome.